Friday, April 1, 2011

The truth about tanning...

In my quest for that 'healthy' summer glow, I have spent more time than I care to reveal in the tanning bed.  Truthfully, I even worked at a Fabutan for 7 years.  Ignorantly ignoring all the warnings of skin cancer, sun damage and pre-mature skin aging (these things are not real, right?!?!?) my 28 year old skin finally has sun damage!  I have now made a promise to myself to stop tanning my face (not my body though - I can't just give up cold turkey!) and to solidify this promise, I took a trip to Sephora to scoop up some face bronzer and tinted moisturizers.  The Sephora girl, sent me home with a powdered bronzer she reccomended for all the girls that came in over Halloween to dress up as Snooki, which I purchased without hesitation, it's definitely the look I'm going for, right?  She also told me she had a strong sense that I should become a flight attendant.  It's not just make-up you get when you visit your local Sephora.  That 18 year old girl will also include free career advice with purchase.

Too Faced Caribbean in a Compact - Sun Bunny  

Happy Friday! xx Jaimee

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