Thursday, April 14, 2011

Excuse me, I believe you have my stapler...

Today is my last day working in an office.  I have decided to move forward and work surrounding myself in what I love.  Fashion!  A couple months ago, while standing over the photocopier at my office, I realized I hated my life.  Not my 'real' day to day life, but my 'working' life.  The monotony of scanning documents, fetching waters and booking executive class flights for my 3 bosses had left me feeling terribly bored and completely uninspired.  I have spent my entire adult working life at a desk, avoiding awkward lunchroom small talk and sitting through boring office meetings.  I just accepted, like most contributing members of society that this is just what you gotta do to pay your bills.  However, a wonderful opportunity randomly fell into my lap and I snatched it up!  I was ready for a change and the stability of getting married also contributes to me being able to make a move into a job with perhaps a little less stability.  I know Avi has my back and won't let me end up living in a cardboard box.  If my game plan doesn't work out.  Which it will. 
Because it's fabulous!

xx Jaimee

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