Thursday, April 21, 2011

Dust and Sunshine

I have spent the day drinking mass amounts of tea and hanging with my d-o-g Bentley...the last few days have been pretty mucky outside, so Bentley smells like dust and sunshine.  I am madly in love with him!  

Our house is pretty eclectic...when I decided to paint our walls black, my almost-mother-in-law looked at me as if I were crazy, but was too polite to say so.  The end result is actually quite pretty and suits us just perfectly.  Who wants beige walls!? 

I am posting a few of the many things I love in our home...from my mass sequin dress collection to my Grandmother's Book Of Mormon with her beautiful handwritten notes...

I hope everyone enjoys their Easter Weekend!
xx Jaimee


  1. Awesome Jai! L-o-v-e the homage to Benny! Is that a Kodak Brownie hanging off that mirror?

  2. It is a brownie! You have quite the eye! if you know how to use it please share! xo
