Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas Eve!

Love them or hate them...the Kardashian's have style! 

Hope everyone has a great Christmas with friends and fam!

Pic borrowed here

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

I Think People Should Be...


What I wore: 
vest Forever 21, denim JBrand, top BCBG, boots Aldo, jewelry House of Harlow (from basically the best boss ever Kim Flanagan), bag Rebecca Minkoff

Friday, December 16, 2011


I just got back from a month long trip to India, hence why I have been m.i.a. from blogging land.  India was sensory overload and a total culture shock.  I came home with a new appreciation for how blessed we are to be Canadian.  Canada is beautiful, safe, free and full of opportunity (cheesey, right?).  I will speak for myself when I say growing up kinda live in a ignorant little bubble.  For a lot of kids in Canada our biggest worry is designer denim or landing the latest iphone.  We have not seen poverty or hardship like in India.  There are literally shoe-less babies begging in intersections and homes made out of tarps.  Did you know that the government actually bulldozed through slums claiming they were making an effort to 'better' Delhi for the 2010 Commonwealth games.  Imagine having NOTHING and then having your own government roll over your 'house' and what little else you have, all with no effort to give you any notice or effort to relocate your family.  There are hungry bellies and animals everywhere.  There are beautiful colours, never ending honking cars and animals scattered roaming through garbage (please see note below***).  I saw cute but scary monkeys...huge camels...and elephants!  While the amount of poverty is overwhelming I struggled most with the street dogs wandering around...because if you haven't realized yet, I am that creepy dog person.  All of them limping, hungry and sometimes dead.  I wanted to scoop each one up and pack them into my luggage.  Instead I just fed as many scared puppies as I could. 

There are many lovely parts to India as well.  If you are part of the lucky in India, you will have a gorgeous lavish home filled with servants, drivers and everything you could ever wish for.  You can find all of the upscale things we have at home, in India.  Prada, Gucci and some of the most fashionable and beautiful women in the world.  The Taj Mahal and all the forts are rich with beautiful history and romance.  Meeting my husband's wonderful, generous family and friends in India was also the main highlight.  I also got to visit the exact same park my grandmother was at in the 1970's!!!  And while I did have a heavy heart in India, I have hope that it will get better.  In the meantime, I will appreciate all that I have, recycle everything like a crazy woman, foster homeless dogs and quit harassing my husband for the latest Marc Jacobs hand bag.

***Note to tourists: PLEASE STOP using animals for entertainment!  While I do understand that people are using the animals as their livelihood it is important to stop the cycle and protect the animals.  Don't pay the man who leashed a frikken monkey to do ridiculous tricks in silly outfits and please don't take a elephant/camel/horse ride!  These poor animals forced to work when it's hot as shit out are clearly malnourished and tired.  WALK!!
If you want more info on why I feel so passionate about this please go here.

Monday, December 12, 2011

"It’s much more inspiring not to go to places than to go"

I have just arrived home from a month long trip to India hence my absence from Gypsy Friday land.  My jet lag and post-India flu is finally subsiding and there is no better pick me up than perusing the Chanel Paris-Bombay pre-autumn/winter 2012-13 collection.  Tis for the slumdog billionaires for sure.

"It’s much more inspiring not to go to places than to go" - Karl Lagerfeld 
(this makes me SMH...but he was def inspired with these beautiful pieces!).

Photos borrowed HERE

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Pass that Ver-say-see

The new Versace for H&M commercial is as creepy as Donatella is...and I love.

My picks from the guest designer collection?

Not only because I'm a sucker for anything leather, studded or tassled, but also because realistically it's the only Versace this girl can afford.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Monday, October 24, 2011

Home is where the art is

I am obsessed with old creeky character homes built from 1910 to 1915.  Our current home was built in 1914 and nothing beats the beauty and character of heritage homes.  The sad reality in Calgary is most peeps would rather tear them down and build cookie cutter infills.  Sigh. 
It will be a fight with the husband but I hope to never live in anything newer!

Totally going to the William Duma Inner City Homes art exhibit at Wallace Galleries showing October 29th - November 13th, 2011.  If you love vintage home uniqueness you too should check it out! 

More gallery showing info HERE
Read the Calgary Herald article HERE

Saturday, October 22, 2011

I Dream In Black and Gold

I am now the proud owner of the newest Rebecca Minkoff studded bag. 

I am in lalalove. 

The leather is buttery soft and the studs and tassles combo is a dream come true.

I can't find it anywhere online, so you'll have to skip on down to Holt to grab yours!

I'm also obsessing with my growing House of Harlow jewelry collection. 
My arm party is looking more and more fab!
Bangles $79 & $116 found HERE and HERE
Horseshoe Necklace $113 found HERE

Many Rhianna fans came to her defense with my last post.  I do believe she is trying to gamorize something horrible, but none the less, I appreciate the opinions and appreciate peeps taking the time to read my blog!

We are off to a early Diwali party this eve!

Have a great weekend guys!

x Jaimee

Friday, October 21, 2011

Rhianna the junkie.

Rhianna has come a long way from her times of singing about her
A long way, DOWN that is.  The last couple years she has side tracked from being a cute pop star into a decline of her deperately trying to be racey and edgey.  I'm not sure what world she is living in - but trying to glamorize drugs, abusive relationships, being high and overdosing is hardly sexy and hardly cool. 
There are millions of little girls looking up to her and millions of families destroyed by drug addiction.  It's disgusting that she uses it as entertainment.  While the song is catchy, she is disgusting.  If I had a daughter I would be horrfied to have her look up to Rhianna.

Try being a good human being Rhianna. 

Saturday, October 1, 2011

above the city

My blog hit 5,000 page views!  Cool, right?

Enjoy these pics - my gf recommended I scope this photog, Eugenio Recuenco. 

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

Eugenio Recuenco

Friday, September 30, 2011

Hermes Crave or Save?

Ever since I saw Kim Kardashian sporting her's on KUWTK I've wanted my own Hermes Medor Collier de Chien Bracelet.  Unfortunately I can't justify the steep price
aka my husband would have a heart attack!
  Apt22 has a similar bracelet which is gorgeous! I snatched up a dark brown one for a so reasonable price of $58!!!...and since APT22 only carries very limited pieces in the store I suggest you get yours ASAP! 

  APT22's owner Kim Stern does all her buying in LA and the girl's got wicked style!  The store is filled with her handpicked items...super cute blouses, dresses and tons of cute jewelry, perfect for layering!

Pics borrowed from:, and

APT22 1314 1ST SW

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Top Shop Van

This past wknd was spent in Van with my fav gf's.  We ate lovely dinners and drank copious amounts of wine.  We stumbled home at 6:00 am...I am amazed I could keep up! 

Of course I had to check out the much anticipated arrival of the new Top Shop boutique in The Bay.  While obvs not yet comparable to the Top Shop's in NY and London (it's only a small section in The Bay) it's def worth checking out! 
I scoped a pair of magenta tights and a cute animal printed mini skirt.


I fell in love with these scallop over the knee tights but they were sold out - because they were so fab!

I just realized there's a recurring printed animal theme going on here!  I must be on a kick!
