Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Hello friends,

Here we are, 6 years later.  Essentially 6 times a thousand later in real life years, experiences, friendships and intimate relationships.  I have missed blogging.  I have not made a post in years.   I am hoping to go back to blogging on a consistent basis, but life is busy sometimes and (always) takes over.  I am no longer looking to count the amount of page hits I receive, or styling appointments I book, or comments I receive per post. I am now in the place where I worry about bills and hours and sleep and appreciating the relationships I have...and are you even interested in anything I have to say?!  

When I first started Gypsy Friday the blog and pop up shop I posted links to fashion, jewelry and my general thoughts and articles I liked.  Since then, blogs, myself and YOU have evolved a million times over.  Blogs and links are an entity unto themselves.  Careers and controversies have been made via online articles and blogs.  We have SnapChat, Insta, Reddit, bitchy Facebook, etc...Successful jewelry lines created (Hi DANNIJO)!.  Blog (word) of mouth is key.  The Internet is a wondrous thing, isn't it?

Gypsy Friday was always just a quick easy jaunt and link to my thoughts.  I hope to create the same thing now, with a bit more thought and maturity.  Although I am QUITE a few years older (thank GOD), I still have a love for fashion (mostly now vintage) and Gyspy Friday.  In the last 6 years I have maintained a successful and demanding career.  I have learnt how to be a empathetic leader to 20+ women (and 3-5 almost just as womanly men).  I have gained lovely friends, lost a brother and marriage.  I am looking forward to sharing my <bitchy> thoughts, wisdom, fashion links, general life tips and tricks.  I am a lot older, and have been through much more.  I have travelled, worked, loved, worked, lost and loved in my life.  I look forward to sharing this with you all again.
- Jai

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